Once You have found your perfect Wedding venue and set the date you might end up feeling a little more relaxed. We have asked many brides to give us the Ultimate Advice from when they scouted wedding venues. With their help we can assure that you wedding venue will be perfect. There is so much one may overlook especially when in the middle of everything.
Cinderella had the perfect wedding venue, she had a castle. For the modern day bride that might be a little to much to ask for. It took us long enough to find our own version of “prince charming” (well I only speak for myself here) let alone the perfect venue.
In all honesty the wedding venue has become a very important part of the wedding preparation. Now since we might not have an enchanted castle at our disposal that hasn’t stooped us from choosing one that is as close to perfection as possible. Besides the basic questions one must address the venue manager there are some other aspects to keep in mind and to take into consideration.
Here is a great guide from Brides that do not want you to make the same mistakes they made. Take this guide into consideration when scouting your perfect wedding venue.
On your wedding day, you will see so many mistakes you made that you will be astonished that you did not see them to begin with. This is where we come in to help you with some extra pointers to make your wedding day a great that will be remembered.

The Floors

Once everyone will be inside it will be time for the first dance between the couple. New shoes are always slippery. The last thing you would want is to be uncoordinated on the dance floor. Looking like fools after all the practice that goes into the dance would be a shame. Make sure the dance floor is not slippery. The venue should have taken care of this but just to be sure, test it out. If you already have your wedding shoes, or after you buy them make a trip to see how they react to the dance floor.
Cleaning the venue is a big job and they most defiantly use professional products to assure the spotlessness of the venue. This cleaning might be to profound for the dance floor and it can create a slippery surface. The venue might use wax to bring it back to a natural state. There are certain materials that are anti-slipper, be sure your dance floor is good to go.
Make sure to have a backup plan just in case you find the floor to be slippery. You can buy shoe adhesives that are made especially for these types of situations. You simply apply the sticky part to your shoes sole and you are good to go.

The Size of your Wedding

Before you fall in love with a certain venue and come to an agreement with the establishment make sure the size is suitable for your wedding. Even if the venue is a big space and you will only fill half with your guests take a moment and imagine the wedding. As beautiful as the venue might be when you are choosing it, you might end up upset to see it at your wedding half filled-up and half more than obvious empty. It will seem as if there were guest that did not attend and you were left with a big open space.
The bigger the empty space is, the fewer people it will seem are there. This usually makes it hard for guests to socialize. Your photographs will come out looking as if it was the end of your wedding and half the guest have left, from the beginning.
The same applies if your number of guests would be more than the venue could seat in an aired manner. It will be very cramped inside and there will be no room to move around or for a candy bar or a photo booth. Some venues might tell you that not all your guest will attend and that having extra room won’t be a problem. What if they are wrong? What if everyone and plus some extra lost friends find their way to your wedding? Why risk it?The venue knows best, but there are times when their interest differ from yours and this is why you need to be smarter and one step ahead.

Bridal Bathroom

Your private space is important. Most venues have a private washroom for the bride. Considering that you will be wearing a white gown that won’t be easy to move in the last thing you want is to have to go a WC that is the dimension of an airplane bathroom. You need space to move. Depending on the dress you wear, you might even have to have help going to the restroom. Having enough room for two people in there might not be such a bad idea. Make sure there is enough room for you to manifest yourself.

Private Room

If the venue you are having your wedding at accommodates guests than that is perfect. You might not think you need a room but make sure before crossing it off the list. A room just for your things is a great idea. Ask the venue if they offer such a space for the bride and her family. Considering that you can’t carry your personal belongings on you as a bride, having a space just for them will prove to come in handy. You might want to change shoes, or redo your makeup, someone might have a baby that needs to be feed or be put for a nap. Ask ahead to make sure you have your own private space.

The Timing Your Event Will Take Place

Visit the venue at the time your wedding will be taking place. There is nothing more important than seeing the venue in the right light. If your wedding will begin in the evening there is no reason to see the venue in the morning. The sunlight might make it seem perfect with all the details adding up to a fairy tale scenario. When the wedding comes you might end up being surprised when being unable to recognize the venue. There is no reason to be disappointed when you can take precautions.
If your wedding will begin during the daytime make sure the lighting is right for your wedding day. Make sure there are windows and make sure direct sunlight will make its way inside the venue. Lighting has a way of creating the right ambient, or the wrong one.
The lighting is an important factor when it comes to photography as well. Another important part is to have your wedding photographer be familiar with the venue grounds and lighting

The Size of your Wedding

Before you fall in love with a certain venue and come to an agreement with the establishment make sure the size is suitable for your wedding. Even if the venue is a big space and you will only fill half with your guests take a moment and imagine the wedding. As beautiful as the venue might be when you are choosing it, you might end up upset to see it at your wedding half filled-up and half more than obvious empty. It will seem as if there were guest that did not attend and you were left with a big open space.
The bigger the empty space is, the fewer people it will seem are there. This usually makes it hard for guests to socialize. Your photographs will come out looking as if it was the end of your wedding and half the guest have left, from the beginning.
The same applies if your number of guests would be more than the venue could seat in an aired manner. It will be very cramped inside and there will be no room to move around or for a candy bar or a photo booth. Some venues might tell you that not all your guest will attend and that having extra room won’t be a problem. What if they are wrong? What if everyone and plus some extra lost friends find their way to your wedding? Why risk it?The venue knows best, but there are times when their interest differ from yours and this is why you need to be smarter and one step ahead.

The Stairs at your Wedding Venue

Walking into your dream venue before the wedding won’t be the same as walking in as a bride and groom. The biggest difference will definitely be your attire. The walk inside your venue might seem easy with comfortable shoes and casual clothing on. You won’t even realize that all the stairs that you walked down or up will cause a problem for you as a bride and groom, especially as a bride. It would be terrible if you were unbalanced by stairs on your wedding day. Check to be sure that there aren’t that many difficult steps you will need to take with your wedding gown on.

Stone Alley

As beautiful as a stone alley leading to your perfect wedding venue might be, you need to take into consideration how you will balance the walk inside the restaurant. Make sure that the stones are straight enough for you to keep a good balance and not fall. Falling might not be the worse part, ripping your wedding dress or the groom’s suit while you are uncoordinated will be the worse part. Try to look around the venue with a bridal eye.


Make sure to ask at the venue if they have certain restrictions that you should know about beforehand. From hours you are allowed on the property to the volume of music that is allowed. Make sure that the venue isn’t close enough to another property that your wedding might end up disrupting the privacy of others. Just ask, it won’t hurt.

Extra Space

If you want to bring in a candy bar or a donut stand make sure there is a perfect stop for it. Make sure that the spot is accessible to all your guest while it won’t interrupt with the venue’s service at your wedding.
If you want to have a photo-booth set up make sure there is space for that as well. You can’t place your photo-booth next to your candy bar stand. Make sure to see where they show you the spaces that will be available and imagine them on position to make sure they are right for your needs and wishes. Make sure that in those positions they will be accessible and seen by all your guests.

You Wedding Color Pattern

This is a very important aspect as well. Make sure that the colors you want for your wedding theme match the venues as well. Matching yellow with turquoise might not be as easy as one might think. Once you have chosen the venue you might need to tilt to their arrangement to match yours. From flowers to table arrangements, these all need to match or at least be from the same family of colors. Most importantly, make sure the way the venue is arranged goes with your style. Make sure that all your plans for decorations can be harmoniously combined with the venues décor.

The Personnel at the Venue

Make sure that the venue only has professional employees that will be attending to you and your wedding guests. Make sure that they don’t hire teenagers for lower cost purposes. Make sure that they have a proper dress attire.
There are many things to take into consideration when it comes to your wedding venue. There might be certain aspects that have never even crossed your minds if you haven’t been involved with this side of the business before. Most brides and grooms are new when it comes to throwing a huge party like their own wedding. This is why all the help is needed, this is where we come in. Helping newlyweds enjoy their wedding day is something we take seriously and helping out is our job. Make sure to plan ahead and keep lists of all the things you might want to ask just so that you don’t forget when you find yourself at the venue.

2 thoughts on “Wedding Venue 101”

  1. Finding a wedding venue is one of the most difficult parts of planning a wedding. Great article. I will take it to mind now that I am looking for one. thanxs


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