Weddings Weddings Weddings!!
When it comes to your wedding day there are certain things one must not forget. From makeup to the dress, perfection is required and anything else would be a pity considering, you only plan on getting married once (or a couple of times).

As a future bride myself, the countdown has initiated and I have already started preparing. I found myself awoken one night in a panicked state, from a deep sleep. I am not one to worry about anything, yet here I was – wide away in a panic. The main idea that had awoken me was that I wasn’t going to have time to find a wedding dress. A friend had just told me that her dress will be ready in 5 months! I guess my subconscious wedding planner had taken it to mind and decided to wake me up at 3 am letting me know I should start worrying! I was very mad at myself. It took me two full hours before I could fall asleep again. I decided to tell my consciousness that we would be wedding dress shopping soon. As a result, I took my wedding worry to a couple of designer houses and we had a wedding chat, tried on some dresses for the first time ever, and relaxed. I now have 1 more month to fully relax before I go and choose one.

Brides always go overboard with little details. As women, we are wired to care for all details, most of us. The same goes for weddings. A wedding is a pivotal moment in a girls (or boys) life. Girls have been dreaming of their wedding day since they were walking around with their mother’s shoes and a pillowcase over their head mimicking a bride.

When it comes to your wedding there is one thing to do, relax. Yes just as simple as that. When your wedding day starts counting down, nearing rapidly you must relax. The wedding will be a hustle even if you stress about it or even if you don’t. You might have noticed this before but at weddings, the bride is the main person of interest. Nothing happens at weddings without a bride.

So when it comes to your wedding and mine, let’s try to relax together. Here are some pointers and tips to help you (and me) get through everything.

Create an Email Account

This little tip will help you out tremendously not only during your wedding but especially afterward as well. You can create a cute email with both your name and your future husband’s name. This little trick will help you manage as well as forget all the details once you are done with them. Your sanity will thank you. Having wedding related emails and work-related emails sent on the same address will be a little too much. Separate and conquer would be my best advice. Once your wedding day has passed the last thing you want to receive our emails with newsletters from all the pages that you had subscribed to.

Ask for Advice

There is no reason you shouldn’t consider asking for advice from those you love most or those that know best. Most probably this is the first time you are handling a wedding and not to mention your own wedding. You should choose a couple of people you trust most and ask them for any wedding related advice you might need. Make sure these trustworthy souls are people you can bother any time of the day and that will not be upset if you call them late at night with a little bit of wedding panic. Your wedding is important and making decisions might become overwhelming at some points. You will find yourself in need of advice. Just ask. No one was born knowing it all!

Ask for Help

When it comes to weddings the most stressful part is the moment you try to do everything singlehanded. This is another moment where wedding panic might set in making it difficult for you to handle things. Feeling like you will not have time to get everything done is a normal feeling. The only difference between a panicked bride and a relaxed bride is that of an entourage. Make sure to ask those trusted people that love you most for help. Your wedding day comes once in a lifetime, asking for help will not be a strain on anyone. If it was the other way around would you not help out your friends? They feel the same way. Let your friends and family help you so that you can be wedding panic free.

Have Wedding Free Days

Sure time might be limited and that will definitely cause you some wedding panic for sure, but it will all be perfect in the end. Your wedding day will still happen and after is will be over you will try to understand why on earth were you in such a panicked state of mind. This is why you should have wedding free days. Take your future husband or wife out for a romantic date. Try to make it a wedding free date with little mentioned about wedding panic moments that you have felt. Just enjoy each other and remember that once your wedding day will arrive it will be just the two of you embarking on a new journey.

Make Decisions Together

No matter how much help you might have from the people that love you most you should always involve and include your other half in all wedding decisions. As small as they might be, just let them know that you have made a decision and ask what they think about it. In doing this you are assuring your other half that they are more important than the wedding itself. Certain brides or grooms tend to get carried away, involuntarily, when planning their wedding. Do not give reasons for any type of wedding panic towards your other half. They might feel unimportant or excluded and you would not want that to happen. Even if they say that you can make all the decisions, just give them a heads up and let them know where you both are with the wedding preparations.

Forget Social Media

Once you have made certain important decisions like your wedding dress, tuxedo or flower arrangements forget all about social media as it will confuse you. Once you begin to look at other alternatives out there, and there are plenty, you will be back in your wedding panic mode thinking if you made the best choice. Make sure to stop looking at wedding dresses once you have found your own. You will start doubting all the choices you have made and it will most defiantly make your wedding panic set back in. Relax and breath. All the decisions you have made are golden.

Enjoy your Beauty Routine

For most future newlywed couples their beauty routine changes once they start planning their wedding. For brides especially there is a lot to take into consideration. Your skin is always your best trade and taking care of it is crucial if you are having a wedding or not. Make sure to hydrate your skin more than normal before your wedding. Start a couple of months before and create a beauty routine. Realizing the week of your wedding that you need a facial and then having an allergic reaction to it will assure you a grand wedding panic state of mind and with reason as well. Relax and enjoy the beauty road down the altar. Try different beauty techniques and choose one that suits you.

Simple is Best

There has always been a certainty in choosing simple things. A classic example is the little black dress. There is no going wrong with simple choices. Certain things that carry importance for you are irrelevant to your guests. The more you want the more there is to do. Not to mention that the more you want the more expensive it will be. Weddings tend to be very expensive affairs and as most of you have already noticed by now this aspect tends to create wedding panic. Why worry when beginning your life together? Leave things simple and enjoy what your wedding day will actually symbolize. True love.

Be Finished in Time

Make sure that you are all finished with all the big wedding details at least a week before your wedding day. Make all the menu choices with the restaurant two weeks before the wedding. Make all the calls to vendors concerning all the wedding details such as delivery and timing. Make sure all of you appointments are set with your salon and makeup artist. Make sure your wedding dress and tuxedo fit to perfection and alterations are not needed. And if there are alterations to be made then you have enough time. Make sure to have an approximate wedding guest count so that you know where you stand and you can let the restaurant know ahead of time the exact number of menus you will be needing. Make sure everything is set and done so that there is no need for wedding panic to set in. And then relax!

Have a Long Engagement

If you are feeling wedding panic and you are not ready to begin all the wedding planning that comes with an engagement then you can opt for a long engagement. Have a conversation with your significant other and tell them that you are feeling overwhelmed or that you are not ready to stop enjoying the perks of engagement-hood and would like to just soak in all that the two of you are feeling. There is nothing wrong with having a long engagement. It gives you time to truly enjoy each other and the decision you both made. Engagements are meant to be beautiful and filled with happy moments, and with love. Just be engaged for a while.

You will Love your Weddings

Here is a little inside tip from brides that have gone through everything that we are going through, you will simply love your wedding. All the worrying will have been in vain. All the wedding panic will simply vanish into thin air. Since we are all human it is normal to feel some of the wedding panic that comes with your big day. The important part is that we try to relax and make sure we do not forget to enjoy the road down the altar, as it only comes once in a lifetime.

And I did find my wedding dress. That was an experience in itself. It is a beautiful dress and what they say about knowing when you find the right dress is true. Having tried on more wedding dresses than I could count the moment I tried on the right dress, I just knew it was the one. So in the end, I will take my own advice and relax. No wedding panic needed for this future bride.

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