The basics for a Wedding Check list of things to get done on your Wedding Day is here!

The big day is slowly getting closer. The emotions are overwhelming for most and there is a good reason for this. The best thing you can do is make a wedding check list of things to get done for the big day. Having this wedding check list handy on you at all times will help. You will surely have many epiphanies out of the blue and documenting them in critical because remembering so many things has proven to fail. Have a notebook handy or create a folder on your phone and add to it constantly as you go along.

Couples Check List

As a couple, there are things you need to do before the wedding that involves the both of you. Since the wedding day belongs to the both of you there is no reason not to share the responsibility and enjoy the road leading up to the big day.

-Tanning salon. You will be grateful you went when the photos come out.
-Whiten Teeth. The greatest thing a person can possess is a beautiful smile.
-Wedding License. Do not forget this.
-Go to a spa. Spend a day before the wedding just the two of you and forget about the wedding


Bride Check List

As a bride you might not think that forgetting your wedding dress the day of the wedding could happen, but why risk it? Make a list of apparel items just to have them in check.

-The wedding dress
-Bridal dress accessories
-Bridal shoes
-Bridal gloves
-Bridal purse
-Engagement ring
-Hair accessories
-Bridesmaids dress
-Bridesmaids gifts


As a bride there are a few items to add to the list that you should purchase to have on hand on the day of the wedding that will come in handy both to you and your future husband. Since you will be the center of attention all day you need to look and smell your best!

To Buy Check List

-Advil ( you never know)
-Band-aids ( protect that dress)
-A touch-up makeup kit
-A comb
-Bobby pins ( have extras in case a strand of hair gets to be too rebellious)
-A lint roller (a lot of people will be hugging you )
-Mouth wash


Groom Check List

We all know the bride is the main attraction at a wedding. The groom comes in second. This does not mean the groom does not have a lot of responsibilities as well.

Being the groom might not be as hectic as being the bride but this is where your future wife needs her man. The little things she will take care of for sure.
-Set Alarm for the wedding day. (don’t laugh, you do not want to oversleep today because you had a drink with the groomsmen all night.)
-Wedding rings! Do not forget them.
-Wedding vows
-Write a love letter for your bride and have it delivered to her (with the gift)
-Buy your bride a wedding gift and have it delivered to her on the day of the wedding. (Through all the craziness remind her that today is about the two of you.)
-Wedding speech
-Tuxedo ready
-Book the honeymoon
-Transportation for the guest if necessary
-Book the guests accommodations (for a destination wedding or if the guests are not from there)
-Groomsmen suits (check with them first to know if they have suits for the big day)
-Groomsmen gifts (a token of appreciation for their help and friendship. Cuff-links and hip flasks are the best choice)
-Cigars for you and the groomsmen
-House sitter (I personally am a little paranoid and would love to now all is safe)”
-Wedding gift organizer. (Choose someone to take the wedding gifts to your house. You guys will be off on your honeymoon right away)


There will be things you will forget. There will be a guest that will not be satisfied, there always are. That is ok as long as you communicate with each other, with the bridesmaids and the groomsmen, this is why you choose them. Have a leader assigned in your place that is creative and good under pressure.

Most importantly you should never forget to check off one of the most important things on the list:

-Have FUN! You only get married once!

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