“You can have anything in life if you dress for it.” Edith Head
…and that my dear ladies I did.

There is this one dress in my closet that is almost new, we shall call her Snow. I’ve only had the privilege to be in Snow just a few times this past summer. This dress is not only beautiful but it was there with me when my life was changing for the better and I had no idea. I can’t help but wonder if Snow (the dress) had anything to contribute to that wonderful night? Do clothes determine outcome or are they just pieces of material?

It is said that clothing can affect your mood, health, state of mind and overall all of your confidence.  

I just earlier began thinking of my fashion trail for the beginning of my relationship with La Dolce Vita. Yes, we will be calling my boyfriend “Vita” from now and not only because it means Life in Italian but because ever since I have had the privilege to have him in my life, I have felt alive. That and I began my descent into the pit of “love” with him at a wedding at a restaurant the is named La Dolce Vita!

Let’s start with the begging! Last year when I first saw Vita it was at a birthday anniversary. I only noticed him and moved on from the thought because I had prior engagements in my life going on. But he noticed me!

I wore a black taffeta skirt long enough to cover my knees because that is one of the lengths my body agrees with and works in my advantage since my waistline is very petite and my hips are more Latin American than European. I also do enjoy being decent and proper at all time. It does make it more interesting when you do decide to go a different way some other time and it shocks people because they never expect it! The blouse was red with a high round neckline, no cleavage whatsoever. The shoes where exquisite if o do say so myself. They are these beautiful black elegant stiletto ankle booties. In short I looked very conservative! This is a look i always go for and has brought me success along the years proving that decadence is not necessarily gold!

Coco Chanel said that “Simplicity is the keynote of all true elegance”

The second time I saw Vita was at the same person whose birthday it had been a year before but now it was her wedding. Wedding attire always does make everyone stand out in a positive way ( Aladeen) or negative way ( Aladeen ).

At the time I was shopping for the dress that I wore to this wedding I had no idea that the night I would wear it would change my whole life! I should have known because from finding to buying the dress was a roller-coaster ride! When I had found it it was magical! Tadashi shoji was the designer that had made this dress in 2015 and It made me look like I was floating on black feathers that are crafted from hand-cut tulle and organza for the feathered look it has.

I had initially tried on a very puffy version of what I wore in a very large size just out of curiosity and it looked all wrong on me but I saw it had potential! I ran from uptown to downtown in the hope that a smaller size might be at the other store. When I got there the very sweet gay (to my luck) store manager told me they only had a size just as big and a size 0. I was disappointed like a child who was promised candy on Halloween and received raisins instead. The manager insisted I try it on as they always do just to make you feel fat is my theory but this time he was right! I was perfect on me! I couldn’t squeeze in a bra if I wanted to breathe but I never do wear them with evening gowns as I a well enough built ( another Latin trade I inherited from my European roots.. lol for those of you just tuning in).

That is how I got my perfect dress and became acquainted with the works of Tadashi Shoji who made the perfect dress for me and Vita to fall in love. But this isn’t the dress I was talking about! This isn’t Snow!

On my first date with Vita I wore Snow. Snow was a dress I had bought on the same day I had purchased the Tadashi Shoji dress. It has a tag that bears the name Fashion on Earth. Snow is a short boho canvas dress, white with long sleeve large sleeves. It was adorable and it was memorable.

I know you could meet the love of your life in the grocery store in the meat aisle while you are wearing a jumpsuit, I’ve seen the same movies you all have. Think about it for just a minute, consider the fashion alignment of the stars and you have to admit that we all dress for Destiny!

I hope you all find whatever your heart desires and more and I hope you as well look stunning when that particular moment I am writing about comes.

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