Meet Me

Hi, I am Corina… but everybody knows me as Coco and I am the founder of CocoLovesWeddings, my professional wedding speech writing service.

I grew up in New York, but now I live mostly in Europe.

I am a professional wedding speechwriter. My flair is to spot and bring forward relevant experiences and memories to make your wedding speech extraordinary.

We all deserve a standing ovation. I am here to help you get it.

I didn’t have one home growing up, but two homes 4000 miles apart.

I grew up in two different worlds and I loved them both. One was in a simpler world where everything seems untouched by the hand of time and in the other… I was in New York. And I loved it. It’s where my creativity met my inspiration and my writing began.

Over the last years, I have dedicated my time/creativity towards weddings and everything wedding related. Weddings are set around moments of joy. As a new bride myself I have experienced the meaning of a wedding and I know what strong emotions are involved.

I decided to write wedding speeches for one reason. I know that every one that is about to deliver a wedding speech is doing it from the heart. We all have the words, we feel what we want to say, however, the only difference is that some might have a small block when it comes to putting pen to paper.

This is where I come in. I’ll take your words and create your authentic speech.

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