Paris is always a good idea. With the passing of the cold season, summer is slowly creeping around each and every Parisian corner. It brings with it the resuscitation of nature. There is something even the biggest of winter lovers can agree with when it comes to the coming to life of the trees and nature. The street colors change day by day and before you know a certain spot that you pass by each day has blossomed and chirping birds are everywhere. Now place all of that into a certain romantic city and you have perfection. Paris is one of the most beautiful places one can find themselves. Paris is beautiful all year long, but when the flowers bloom it brings with it a change in the way we fell.

Today I decided to take a day off and enjoy the city. I woke up and I had my coffee in my rented apartment. I am lucky enough to have a home with a view, for the time being, so taking advantage would just be silly not to do. Opened all the windows and I let the perfect breeze run through the rooms. I spent about 2 hours having my coffee and looking out the window and marveling in the Paris scenery.

Paris View

Afterward, I decided to go the place I love most, Musee d’Orsay. I decided to walk, as big as Paris might be if you aren’t in a hurry always walk. As much as I know this city it still manages to surprise me in every way possible. There is always something to photograph and there is always something that is just more beautiful than the last thing you saw.

I decided to take a walk down the Quai de la Megisserie, past Pont Neuf and continued on Quai du Louvre enjoying the small shops. I crossed over on the Pont Royal and went into the Musee d’Orsay and wondered about for a while. Having this not been my first visit to the Musee d’Orsay I went straight to my favorite spots. The Musee d’Orsay was once a train station. The design is clear and you can still see the partition of the museum into what it once was. As all people do, I decided to have coffee at the “Campana” cafe. One of the most beautiful spots in the museum. If you are lucky enough to beat the crowds you can even find the perfect table that offers you best view possible.

No day in Paris is complete without a stop at the Eiffel Tower. Don’t forget about the iconic photo at the carousel. It might be for children but having it placed perfectly one can not deny the beauty it holds and it will make for some beautiful pictures.

One of my favorite spots in Paris is in Montmartre. Sacré-Cœur offers some of the most breathtaking views in Paris. The nearby Place du Tertre is a little street market filled with portrait artists and enchanting little shops. It has always been home to famous artist. During the Belle Époque, it became a haven for artists such as Toulouse-Lautrec, Maurice Utrillo, Van Gogh and Picasso. Being struggling artist the living costs were more and the wine was cheaper.

If you are lucky enough to find yourself in Paris, take a day and just relax. The museums will always be there, waiting for you. The beginning of the summertime is the perfect moment to just be a Parisian. There are fewer items of clothing to carry on and with you. You can enjoy your coffee in one of its numerous parks and just “be” for a couple of minutes.

Au Revoir

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