There are certain parts of planning a wedding that are more fun than others. Most parts of planning your wedding might be a little bit difficult, time-consuming and making the right decisions on a timed schedule might not be as fun as all the photos on the internet that you see of all the happy couples planning their wedding in a joyous bliss. There is nothing wrong with being overwhelmed when planning for your big day. In all honesty, it is more than normal to want a break every now and then. Having something fun to look forward to before the big day arrives is what all future newlyweds need.

When you are a future bride all of the hard work that goes with planning a wedding usually falls on you. Making sure that all the details are in place is something that most brides become overwhelmed with. Making sure you have time off from all the wedding planning is something all future brides deserve. Planning your bachelorette party is something that gives most brides that opportunity to take time off and have some fun. But what do you do when you are not the party type and the generic bachelorette party theme does not apply to you and your crew? Well, you start planning differently than most bachelorettes do. You and all of your friends make it a party that you will enjoy and that is suitable for all of you. Here are some amazing and unique bachelorette party ideas.

Road Trip Style
There is nothing more relaxing and memorable than taking a road trip between friends. There seems to be something that ties all people together when taking a trip in a car. The open road towards the destination is filled with fun memories and unforgeable little stops that make the whole trip even more fun. Road trips are unpredictable and fun. Having a road trip to a certain destination with your best friends is an amazing bachelorette party idea. It last longer than just one night with the girls and the photos will tell the story in ways that you will always appreciate at any age.

Boat Party
One last sail before the veil. There is something about open waters, warm weather and no one around to disturb you. We aren’t talking about going fishing with the girls. Rent a boat and have a beautiful sun-filled day with your best friends. Take your summer gear with you and get ready for a sun-filled fun bachelorette party. All you need to do is to make sure you have all the provisions you might need for a fun-filled day on the water. Make sure to have some food on hand and most importantly make sure to have some alcohol so that your day is filled with laughter and is a little bit more daring than most days. Having a boat party will make for some amazing photos. All your girls in bathing suits striking a pose on open waters will be photos you will look back fondly on, especially after years and years to come.

Camp Trip
If you and your besties are the type of girls that are more outdoors and adventurous then having a camp trip up in the mountains or the forest is the way to go. Camping is a great way to have a remote day or weekend with your best friends with no distractions from the outside world. There will be no one there to disturb you. You can just sit by the campsite or you can go hiking. Make sure you bring your girl-scout knowledge with you and make sure you do not forget anything. You can all enjoy s’mores by the fire and have a great time while drinking hot cider. Having a camp style bachelorette party will relax you and bring you back to the simple things like nature and fresh air.

Drink and Food Tour
If you are the type of group of girls that love to try new culinary things from all over the world and enjoy eating then this might just be the bachelorette party idea you have been waiting for. You can arrange a whole evening that will be filled with culinary experiences and a lot of cocktails to make sure you are kept entertained. The way these food and drink tours take place is that they are timed and the food served is not big meals but rather small tastings from all over the different restaurants that your tour will be arriving at. The great part about a drink and food tour is that it keeps you on the move and it does not allow you to get bored in one place. It makes for an interesting evening to travel and move around not knowing what will come next. Bon Appetite.

Dancing Party
If you happen to be the type of group that has fun dancing and has had a lot of memorable nights in dance clubs then why question a sure thing! Book your table at your favorite club and make sure you all get dolled up and have a”last night” as you used to have during your single days. A nice extra touch is to rent a limo and have all your girls picked up in style. You can all share a glass of bubbly on the way to the club. Girls will always want to have fun, especially when they will be in the presence of their best friends. Girls will be girls! Glam up and have fun.

Art Class
For the gang of girls that are more worldly and more artistic, there are other ways to have a crazy and fun day for your bachelorette party. Having a glass of champaign before attending a live drawing class will make for some amazing moments. There are plenty of art classes that offer live nude drawings. Being on your best behavior is something that would be appreciated in the art world but that doesn’t mean it won’t be fun. In all honesty being a little bit tipsy and sketching a nude art photo will make for some funny memorable bachelorette moments. You think DaVinci never had some fun while painting!

Spa Day
If you want to go away for a day or for the weekend you can opt for a spa day or a wellness weekend with your gang. The benefits of having a spa day is that you get to be in a quiet place with your girls and there is no need for much traveling. There is nothing like sharing a glass of wine after you have had a facial and a relaxing massage. Having a wellness weekend will give you time to rest, as a massage usually takes all the energy out of you. Having a relaxing weekend with your girls and glamming up before your big day is pretty much a two in one type of weekend. You get to rest and have some pampering done and you get to spend time with your besties.

If you happen to love the opera then having a classy evening planned for your bachelorette party is the way to go. This type of evening will give you the rare change of dressing up in beautiful gowns that in all honesty, you can’t wear to the club! Looking like true ladies is something that all girls love to do. Getting all dressed up is something most women do when they are attending special occasions such as weddings. Having all your best friends dressing up in long beautiful gowns while attending the opera together will make for an amazing evening. Taking a limousine will give you that extra shimmer when arriving. Have a wonderful and classy evening.

Beach Party
If you happen to be lucky enough to live by any type of water you can have a beach party for your bachelorette party. This can also happen if you want to spend the extra time and effort, and finances, to all, take a trip to the beach and have a wonderful time in beachwear while sipping on umbrella drinks and having a fun time. There seems to be something special about fun in the sun at the beach. You can even have personalized bathing suits and towels made for all the girls. Unison will make for some great photo moments. Plus you all get to tan a little and that will make everything from your makeup to your gown pop on your wedding day. A definitely win/win type of party. Two birds with one stone.

Rent a House
If you want to have an intimate bachelorette party with your girls and you want to be relaxed and not worry about the cleanup crew needed the next day to tidy up, then you can rend a place. You can either rent a room or a house in a remote area and have your own type of party. There is something about people and having fun somewhere new that they are unfamiliar with that makes for some great parties. Having a night away doing whatever it is that you want in a new place will make for some amazing memories. Not to mention that you can hire a cleaning crew and just head on home the next day.

Tea Party
For all the ladies out there that aren’t into all the noise and agitation that a bar or club might bring there are other places and activities that will suit your bachelorette party needs. Having a tea party is the type of party that is timeless and elegant. All little girls grew up having tea parties with pretend tea and while doing this they were all dressed up in their tea time attire. You have never seen a tea party with girls dressed in jeans, that is for sure. Have an elegant tea party with your girls and serve little miniature foods like mini sandwiches and mini pastries. Adequate attire required.

Yoga Retreat
If you and your girls happen to be into yoga and enjoy the benefits it brings then signing up for a yoga retreat in a secluded and remote place might just be the bachelorette party you are looking for. It will give you all the health benefits that yoga brings and it will give you a chance to be with your besties while doing the activities that you all love. Relaxing and stretching, and gossiping and having fun of course. Make it a weekend trip and have the nights set aside just for you and your girls.

When it comes to bachelorette parties there are so many alternatives to the classic ideas that Hollywood has implemented. Doing crazy things before you get married is not the only way to enjoy your “last night” of freedom. If you and your friends enjoy certain activities then there is no reason not to follow your wishes and do what will be enjoyed by you and your girls. In the end, a bachelorette party is about one thing, and one thing only, enjoying time spent with your best friends. Making memories is the most important thing is this world. After everything is done and has passed, memories are all we are left with.

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