Coco Loves Weddings

11 Amazing Proposal Ideas

All fairy tale stories have a beginning and a decisive turning point. When it comes to weddings that moment would be the moment a proposal happens. As amazing as weddings are we shouldn’t overlook the moment that starts it all, the proposal. Without a proposal, there would be no wedding. The most frequently asked question a couple hears is “how did he/she propose?”. Everyone seems to have an interest in the story that created the opportunity for all to gather and get all dressed up and celebrate the love two people share.

Most men and women put some serious thought into how they will propose. In all honesty, it is one of the most important moments in the couple’s relationship, not to mention a decisive moment and it should be treated as so. Putting thought and effort into a proposal is more than normal and should not be treated lightly. If you plan on proposing and are at a standstill when deciding how to do so here are some amazing proposal ideas from couples that have already taken the next step. Enjoy.

The first thing you should do when deciding to propose, right after you have the ring and you have created you discrete and sneaky elaborate plan is to hire a photographer. This isn’t a must but there are chances that you might want the moment to be immortalized and let’s say it is a discrete and intimate proposal and there is no one there to capture it. It would be nice to have the unique moment captured photographically. If you can keep it a secret you can even offer the photos in an album as a gift for an anniversary and it will be one of the greatest gifts you will have ever given your significant other.

Scavenger Hunt Proposal
What can be more rewarding than making your significant other work for their engagement ring? If you are the type of couple that loves games and enjoy a great scavenger hunt then this will definitely throw them off guard. Once the game is almost over and they reach the final clue, the proposal is when you need to be prepared. You can either create the scavenger hunt by yourself or you can go on the internet and look for help when creating one. It will create a wonderful adventure filled day with an ending they surely weren’t expecting, especially after all the adrenaline from all the clues that will have them running around everywhere. This is another great opportunity to hire a photographer and follow them around while on the hunt for all the clues.

Milestone Movie Proposal
If you happen to be the type of couple that are into classic movies that have left a mark in the cinema world and your lives as well then you should incorporate that into your proposal. Let’s say you both happen to be fans of a certain movie like Federico Fellini’s “La Dolce Vita” for example, you can recreate the scenario with Anita Ekberg in front of a big poster of the Trevi Fountain and pop the big question. All you need to create a proposal like this one would be a couple of props, a good printer to bring the location to life and a sneaky plan to get your significant other to that location.

Under the Start Proposal
This type of proposal is especially for those that are more the outdoor type of couple that love to spend time in nature. Maybe you have a certain spot in the mountains, in the forest or in the park that has meaning to the two of you. All you really need to make this idea come to life is a simple plan like proposing you go on a picnic one evening under the start. Pack some food and a bottle of bubbly and you are as good as gold. Check on the internet to see if there is a meteor shower happening anytime soon so that you could synchronize both events and it will give you an amazing reason to have this under the stars evening. You can even use a line like “She/he is your fallen star”.

Holiday Proposal
The holidays are all special in their own way. Christmas, for example, is one of the most beautiful time of the year. It brings joy to all and it has reindeer, hot cider, snow, and presents. Who doesn’t love Christmas? If your significant other is a fan of the jolly holiday season then you know with certainty that they will be in amazing spirits during Christmas and offering them one more reason to be ecstatic will be the cherry on top of the Christmas tree. The way to go about creating a holiday proposal is to make sure to let them enjoy the moment of the holiday and when they would least expect it pop the big question. Since most people are with family during the holiday season you can even have them lend you a helping elf hand. This will also make for a great holiday card!

Book Lover Proposal
Let’s say you are in the type of relationship where your significant other is a book lover. Maybe they have a favorite author of whose books they can’t get enough. You can try to get in touch with the author and ask for their help with an elaborate marriage proposal. You can find where they will be at for a book reading or signing and propose you take a trip so they can meet their literary idol. Once you get there have them sign their book. Instead of just a signature, have the writer write “Will you marry (insert name)?” and of course have them sign the book as well. Two birds one stone!
They will never see it coming!

Game Night Proposal
So you are the type of couple that love game night with all of your friends. You love spending your free time with friends and enjoying some great games with good company. Well as the movie “Game Night” proved, there are couples out there that are the ultimate gamers and having a marriage proposal while they are playing will definitely throw them off guard. They might not even realize after guessing that they were just proposed to! When playing games we all tend to get a little ever excited and enthusiastic. Well, that is the perfect moment to pop the big question and afterward just lay back and wait to see them make sense of what just happened. You can have your friends film this to have forever. Game night will never be the same again!

Message in a Bottle Proposal
This idea is unique and very ingenious. Buy a small bottle with a corkscrew and write your marriage proposal on a piece of paper and place it in the bottle. Plan a trip to the beach, lake or your local pool and make a day out of it. Once you find yourselves swimming around, discreetly place the bottle near her/him and let them know there is a suspicious bottle with what seems to be a message inside. Propose they have a look at what the message might be about. Once they open the bottle and read the small note, that will be addressed to them personally, just smile and wait for the moment to sink in.

Flash Mom Proposal
In the modern world, things have been moving along very fast with the advances in technology. And with these advances, we have noticed that flash mobs are very popular nowadays and not to mention that they look like a lot of fun. Planning a surprise flash mob proposal involves some serious planning on your part. There are people that will help you with your proposal if you have a look on the internet, even free of charge. Plan a normal day with your significant other and when they least expect it they will be surrounded by a flash mob! It will take some time for them to realize that they are being proposed to with all the agitation that will have been around everyone. Once the flash mob is done is your cue to get down on one knee and pop the big question.

Stick Figure Proposal
Since most people aren’t born artists, managing to sketch perfect images might be a little bit difficult for most. Drawing stick figures is something we can all manage. Create an album with two stick figures that represent the two of you. In each photo mimic moments that have already happened for the two of you and then draw some moments that haven’t that you wish for the two of you to one day happen. Buying your own home, growing old together and the last one should me one stick figure proposing to the other stick figure with the text “To make all of these become reality I have one question for you…..” something of the sorts. It is something that you can have on your coffee table. Your own personal story, with images. A unique proposal idea that you can take with you anywhere and even propose anywhere you desire.

Sky Proposal
You can also go with the classic scenario that we all love to hear about: write your proposal in the sky. Have a skywriter write your proposal in the sky. It might seem like a cliché idea but it will defiantly be a memorable moment. Telling the story of how the skywriter proposal happened will amaze everyone that hears it.

Ski Lift Proposal
This one is for the ski lovers out there. Another great idea that will definitely catch them off their guard is to have your proposal written in the snow. Now depending on the resources you have you can either take the ski lift to the top of the mountain and have the proposal be seen from there giving you the rest of the ride to be happy and ecstatic. You can also charter a plane or a helicopter and have the proposal seen from a little bit higher. Either of them will definitely have the same effect and it will be grand.

Whatever proposal scenario you decide to go with, remember one thing, it will be great. Make sure it will be the type of moment that will be enjoyed and if you can incorporate something that they love then that will only be a plus. The only thing that will matter at that moment will be that the two of you are there and you will get to enjoy the high that a proposal gives. There are very few moments that offer this much joy, it should be enjoyed to the fullest because you only get to live it once.